Monday, March 25, 2013

True potato seed

True potato seed is fairly small as seeds go.

A penny and a pile of true potato seed harvested from All Blue potato vines

The seeds above were saved from the batch of potato berries that included those below, grown on last season's All Blue potatoes ... from the same vines that yielded the seed potatos for the vines currently growing indoors. While the ones above haven't been planted yet, some others from the same harvest sprouted recently.

potato berries harvested from All Blue potato vines and containing true potato seed

Blue potatoes indoors

All Blue potatoes, growing in a tub indoors. These ones aren't from true seed like the sprouts are.

All Blue potato vines

These are from seed potatoes dug up last year.

seed potatoes, mostly All Blue but maybe a white potato or two in the mix (not to be confused with true potato seed)

Red potatoes indoors

Red potatoes growing in a bin under grow lights:

red potato vines
red potato vines (indoor)
red potato vines (indoor)
red potato vines (indoor)
They'd like another row of lights in there, at least
red potato vines (indoor); getting ready to bloom
Getting ready to bloom

Potato sprouts from true potato seed

Potato sprouts from true potato seed (seed from All Blue potatoes):
Potato sprouts from true potato seed; parent plants were All Blue potato
Potato sprouts from true potato seed; parent plants were All Blue potato
Potato sprouts from true potato seed; parent plants were All Blue potato
Potato sprouts from true potato seed; parent plants were All Blue potato
Potato sprouts from true potato seed; parent plants were All Blue potato
Potato sprouts from true potato seed; parent plants were All Blue potato